Theo G Theofanous


Senior Academic, International Consultant, Research Entrepreneur, with experience in Nuclear, Chemical, Mechanical, and Environmental Engineering, and Risk Management. Special expertise and basic contributions to the subjects of Thermo-fluid Science, Multiphase Flow, and Managing of Rare, potentially High-Consequence Technological Risks. Major technological impact on Chemical and Nuclear Power Plant Safety, and as of recently on National Security issues involving infrastructure protection and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Unique and multifaceted experience in conceiving, securing resources for, and implementing effective strategies for addressing large, complex technological issues, and seeing efforts through to successful and documented resolution. Demonstrated abilities in building and motivating team efforts. Extensive regulatory perspectives gained through direct participation on all sides: government, industry, national laboratories, consulting companies. Influential track record on numerous major national-level program review committees and advisory panels.

Major Honors

E.O. Lawrence Medal in Nuclear Technology, US DOE (1997). Citation: For his development and application of Risk Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology (ROAAM) and for his achievements in the fundamental understanding of relevant physical processes, which together have allowed the resolution of several complex, long-standing reactor safety issues.

Elected to the National Academy of Engineering (1998). Citation: For Nuclear Reactor Safety including the incorporation of deterministic principles into risk assessment.

Elected Foreign Member, National Academy of Sciences, Bashkortostan, Russian Fed. (1998). Citation: For significant research contributions focusing on the mechanics of multiphase flow.

Honorary Doctorate, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (May 1999). Citation: For his leadership and technical contributions in hardening the Loviisa nuclear power plants against severe accidents, and for his extensive educational contributions to the nuclear community in Finland.

Shell Distinguished Lecturer (1998); Fellow American Nuclear Society (1989).

Theos J. “Tommy” Thompson Award (2015) For his commitment to risk assessment and management of complex technological and environmental systems. As professor at UCSB and founding Director of the Center for Risk Studies and Safety (CRSS), his contributions have brought about integrative and systematic efforts towards understanding and optimizing real system behavior, assessing risks, and improving safety. American Nuclear Society, Nuclear Installations Safety Division.

Books, Chapters, Special Reports

Risk Assessment and Management
Chapter 2 in Volume 1 of Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Elsevier, March 2003

Transmission pipelines and land use: a risk-informed approach (co-author)
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 2004

Safety Issues at the Defense Production Reactors (co-author)
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1987

Safety Issues at the DOE Test and Research Reactors (co-author)
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1988

Findings of the Peer Review Panel on the Draft Reactor Risk Reference Document NUREG-1150 (co-author) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report NUREG/CR-5113, UCID-21346, May, 1988

Professional Experience

Member, Director’s Advisory Committee for the Engineering Directorate,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1999-2008)

Member, University of California President’s Council on National Laboratories, Panel on Environmental Health and Safety (1993-97)

Advisor to National and International research programs on nuclear reactor safety: USNRC’s Advanced Code Development and Verification, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor, Severe Accident Management, USDOE’s Advanced Reactor Severe Accident Program, New Production Reactor, Advanced Neutron Source, OECD’s RASPLAV program in Russia.

Founding President, Institute for Multifluid Science and Technology (IMuST) (1997-2004)

Consultant on multiphase flow, safety, risk assessment and management issues to: US Government (NRC, DOE); National Laboratories (ANL, BNL, INEL, ORNL, LLNL, LANL); Industry: Aerojet Nuclear Co., United Nuclear Industries, Givaudan & Cie (Geneva), UCAR Carbon Co., SAIC, ABB Atom AB (Sweden), Imatran Voima Oy (Finland), Teollisuuden Voima Oy (Finland), Exxon, Scientech, Korean Electric Power Research Institute, Korean Power Engineering Company, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (Japan), ATUCHA I Nuclear Power Station (Argentina), General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy, Westinghouse Nuclear Corporation, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission,  US Army (DoD), Oceanit Laboratories (Honolulu).

Member of the National Academy of Engineering Panel that reviewed the safety of DOE’s defense and research reactors in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident (1986-1988)

Vice-President, Fauske, Grolmes, Henry & Theofanous, Ltd. (1979-81): Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS), funded by a consortium of 40 US and international chemical companies

President, Theofanous & Co., Inc. (1981-present): Discovered the causes of the Seveso disaster (published in Nature and Chemical Engineering Science). Developed science and software for simulating energetic dispersal of chemical agents in the atmosphere (the tools of choice for DoD purposes). Developed science and software for predicting window damage of missile domes flying through weather (NAVY/ARMY SBIR Phase I completed, Phase II underway).

President, Extreme Multiphase Simulations Inc. (2018-present): V&V and DoD Certification of the ARMS suite of codes for simulating energetic dispersals of chemical agents in the atmosphere.

Academic Appointments

Purdue University: Assistant, Associate, Full Professor in the Schools of Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering (1969-1985)

University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB): from Professor to Professor Above-Scale in the Departments of Chemical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering (1985-2012)

Professor Emeritus since 2013.

University of California at Santa Barbara: Founder and Director of the Center for Risk Studies and Safety (CRSS) (1985-2012).

Education & Other


Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1969

ChE, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1965



1969 “A Theoretical Study on Bubble Growth in Constant and Time-Dependent Pressure Fields”
T.G. Theofanous, L. Biasi, H.S. Isbin, and H.K. Fauske
Chemical Engineering Science
24, No. 5, 885-897
1970a “On Some Aspect of Steam Bubble Collapse”
T.G. Theofanous,  H.K. Fauske and H.S. Isbin
J. Heat Transfer
Feb., 211-212
1970b “An Integral Method for Convective Diffusion—Bubble Dissolution”
T.G. Theofanous, H.S. Isbin, and H.K. Fauske
AIChE Journal
16, No. 4, 688-690
1970c “Nonequilibrium Bubble Collapse—A Theoretical Study”
T.G. Theofanous,  L.Biasi,  H.S. Isbin,  and  H.K. Fauske
Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series 66, No. 102, 37-47
1971a “An Approximate Analytical Solution for Non-Planar Moving Boundary Problems”
T.G. Theofanous and H.C. Lim
Chemical Engineering Science

26, No. 8, 1297-1300

1971b “On Unsteady State Moving Boundary Problems for Non-Plane Geometrics”
H.C. Lim and T.G. Theofanous
J. Chemical Eng. Japan
4, No. 1, 100-101
1971b “A Course in Transport Phenomena”
T.G. Theofanous
Chemical Engineering Education
5,  No. 4, 174-177; 199-200
1972a “Relationship Between Dose Effect, Time and Biophasic Drug Levels”
V.F. Smolen, R.G. Barile and T.G. Theofanous
J. Pharmaceutical Sciences
61, No. 3 467-470
1972b “Multiple-Dose Kinetics of Pharmacological Effects of Indirect Anticoagulants”
T.G. Theofanous and V.F. Smolen
J. Pharmaceutical Sciences
61, No. 6, 980-982
1973a “Multiple-Dose Kinetics of Oral Anticoagulants:  Method of Analysis and Optimized Dosing”
T.G. Theofanous and R.G. Barile
J. Pharmaceutical Sciences
62, No. 2, 261-266
1973b “The Effect of Noncondensibles on the Rate of Sodium Vapor Condensation from a Single-Rising HCDA Bubble”
T.G. Theofanous and H.K. Fauske
Nuclear Technology
19, No. 3, 132-139
1975 “Turbulent Mass Transfer at Free Gas-Liquid Interfaces with Applications to Film Flows”
L.K. Brumfield, R.N. Houze and T.G. Theofanous
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer
18, 1077-1081
1976a “Universal Relations for Bubble Growth”
T.G. Theofanous and P.D. Patel
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer
19, 425-429
1976b “Turbulent Mass Transfer at Free Gas-Liquid Interfaces, with Applications to Open-Channel, Bubble, and Jet  Flows”
T.G. Theofanous, R.N. Houze, and L.K. Brumfield
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer
19, 613-624
1976c “Incoherency Effects in Clad Relocation Dynamics of LMFBR CDA Analyses”
T.G. Theofanous, M. DiMonte, and P.D. Patel
Nuclear Engineering and Design
36, No. 1 59-67
1976d “Boundary Layer Replenishment and Unsteady-State Phenomena in Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cells”
L.F. Albright, T.G. Theofanous and A.G. Rohrer
J. of the Electrochemical Society
123, 445-448
1976e “On the Prediction of Heat Transfer Across Turbulent Liquid Films”
L.K. Brumfield and T.G. Theofanous
J. Heat Transfer (ASME)
98, No. 3,  496-502
1976f “Turbulent Mass Transfer in Jet Flow and Bubble Flow: A Reappraisal of Levich’s Theory”
L.K. Brumfield and T.G. Theofanous
AIChE Journal
22 No. 3, 607-610
1978 “Experiments and Universal Growth Relations for Vapor Bubbles with Micro-layers”
T.G. Theofanous, T.H. Bohrer, M.C. Chang and P.D. Patel
J. Heat Transfer (ASME)
100,  No. 1,  41-48
1980a “The Boiling Crisis in Nuclear Reactor Safety and Performance,”
T.G. Theofanous
Int. J. Multiphase Flow
6, 69-95
1980b “Emergency Pressure Relief Systems Associated with Flashing Liquids”
H.K. Fauske, M.A. Grolmes, R.E. Henry, and T.G. Theofanous
Swiss Chem
2, Nr. 7/8, 73-78
1981a “A Fast ICE Solution Procedure for Flows with Largely Invariant Compressibility”
C.C. Maio, and T.G. Theofanous
J. Comp. Physics
40, (1) 254-261
1981b “A Physicochemical Mechanism for the Ignition of the Seveso Accident”
T.G. Theofanous
291, (5817) 640-642
1981c “An Assessment of Class-9 (Core-Melt) Accidents for PWR Dry-Containment Systems”
T.G. Theofanous and M. Saito
Nuclear Engineering and Design
66, (3)301-332
1983a “The Physicochemical Origins of the Seveso Accident—I Initial Heatup”
T.G. Theofanous
Chemical Engineering Science
38, No. 10, 1615-1629
1983b “The Physicochemical Origins of the Seveso Accident—II Induction Period”
T.G. Theofanous
Chemical Engineering Science
38, No.10, 1631-1636
1983c “An Assessment of Clinch River Breeder Reactor Core Disruptive Accident Energetics”
T.G. Theofanous and C.R. Bell
Los Alamos Rept. LA-9716-MS, and NUREG/CR-3224
1986a “An Assessment of Clinch River Breeder Reactor Core Disruptive Accident  Energetics”
T.G. Theofanous and C.R. Bell
Nuclear Science and Engineering
93, 215-228
1986b “A Criterion for Predicting Thermal Stratification Due to High Pressure Injection in a Circulating Reactor Loop”
H.P. Nourbakhsh and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
94, 77-79
1986c “Findings of the Peer Review Panel on the Draft Reactor Risk Reference Document, NUREG-1150”
T.G. Theofanous, Co-author
Lawrence Livermore Lab Report
NUREG/CR-5113, UCID-21346
March 1986
1986d Buoyancy Effects on Overcooling Transients Calculated for the NRC Pressurized Thermal Shock Study”
T.G. Theofanous, K. Iyer, P. Gherson and  H.P. Nourbakhsh
May 1986
1987a “Mixing Phenomena of Interest to SBLOCAs”
T.G. Theofanous and K. Iyer
Nuclear  Engineering and Design
102, 91-103
1987b “An Assessment of Steam-Explosion-Induced Containment Failure.  Part I:  Probabilistic Aspects”
T.G.Theofanous,  B. Najafi and E. Rumble
Nuclear Science and Engineering
97, 259-281
1987c An Assessment of Steam-Explosion-Induced Containment Failure.  Part II:  Premixing Limits”
M. Abolfadl and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
97, 282-295
1987d “An Assessment of Steam-Explosion-Induced Containment Failure.  Part III:  Expansion and Energy  Partition”
W.H. Amarasooriya and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
97, 296-315
1987e “An Assessment of Steam-Explosion-Induced Containment Failure.  Part IV:  Impact Mechanics, Dissipation and Vessel Head Failure”
G.E. Lucas, W.H. Amarasooriya and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
97, 316-326
1987f “Safety Issues at the Defense Production Reactors”
T.G. Theofanous, Co-author
National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C.
1988a “The Cooldown Aspects of the TMI-2 Accident”
T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
105, 373-391
1988b “On the Use of Discrete Probability Distributions in Failure Analysis—Numerical Aspects”
A. Moghadam and T.G. Theofanous
Reliability Eng. &  Systems Safety
23, 81-107
1988c “DOE Defense Production Reactors:  Safety Issues and  Possible Fixes”
T.G. Theofanous
Physics and Society
Vol. 17, No. 4,  4-6
1989 Some Considerations on Severe Accidents at Loviisa”
T.G. Theofanous
Theofanous & Co., Inc.
IVO Proprietary Report
1990 “Bubble-Induced Circulation and Associated Boundary Heat Transfer”
T.G. Theofanous, A.S. Wanniarachchi and U. Ratnam
Nuclear Engineering and Design
121, 93-101
1991a “Decay of Buoyancy Driven Stratified Layers with Applications to Pressurized Thermal Shock:  Reactor Predictions”
K. Iyer and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
108, 184-197
1991b “Flooding-Limited Thermal Mixing:  The Case of High Froude Number Injection”
K. Iyer and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Science and Engineering
108, 198-207
1991c “Premixing of Steam Explosions:  A Three-Fluid Model”
W.H.  Amarasooriya and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
126, 23-39
1991d “Triggering and Propagation of Steam Explosions”
S. Medhekar, M. Abolfadl and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
126, 41-49
1991e “Boron Mixing in the Lower Plenum of a BWR”
T.G.  Theofanous and E.A. Shabana
Nuclear Engineering  and Design
126, 245-255
1991f “On the Measurement and Mechanism on Dryout in Volumetrically Heated Coarse Particle Beds”
K. Hu and T.G. Theofanous
Int. J. Multiphase Flow
17,  No. 4, 519-532
1991g “An Integrated Structure and Scaling Methodology for  Severe Accident Technical Issue Resolution”
T.G. Theofanous, Co-author
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report, NUREG/CR-5809
November 1991
1992a “FLUTE:   FLUorescent TEchnique for Two-Phase-Flow Liquid-Fraction Measurements”
S. Angelini, W.M. Quam, W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Chemical Engineering
Communications 118, 237-249
1992b “Universal Treatment of Plumes and Stresses for Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluations”
T.G. Theofanous, S. Angelini and H. Yan
June 1992
1993a “The Probability of Liner Failure in a Mark-I Containment. Part I:  Probabilistic Framework and Results”
T.G. Theofanous, H. Yan and F. Eltawila
Nuclear Technology
101 No. 3,  299-331
1993b “The Probability of Liner Failure in a Mark-I Containment. Part II:  Melt Release and Spreading Phenomena”
T.G. Theofanous and H. Yan
Nuclear Technology
101 No. 3,  332-353
1993c “The Probability of Liner Failure in a Mark-I Containment. Part III:  Corium-Contrete Interactions and Liner Attack Phenomena”
W.H. Amarasooriya, H. Yan, U. Ratnam, and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Technology
101 No. 3,  354-384
1993d The Use of Fluorescence in the Measurement of Local Liquid Content in Transient Multiphase Flows”
H. Yan, W.W.  Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
141, 315-328
1994a “Universal Treatment of Plumes and Stresses for Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluations”
T.G. Theofanous, S. Angelini and H. Yan
Nuclear Engineering and Design
146, 1-14
1994b “Multiphase Transients in the Premixing of Steam Explosions”
S. Angelini, E. Takara, W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
146, 83-95
1994c “On the Fundamental Microinteractions That Support the Propagation of Steam Explosions”
W.W. Yuen, X. Chen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
146, 133-146
1994d “A Consistent Approach to Severe Accident Management”
H. Tuomisto and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
148, 171-183
1994e “Heat Flux Distribution from a Volumetrically Heated Pool with High Rayleigh Number”
O. Kymäläinen, H. Tuomisto, O. Hongisto and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
149, 401-408
1994f “ULPU Experiments — Critical Heat Flux on a Vertical Surface of a Large Naturally Convecting Loop”
O. Kymäläinen and T.G.Theofanous
IVO Report LO1-GT1-59
February 1994
1994f “Loviisa 1&2—In-Vessel Retention of Corium During a Severe Accident”
O. Kymäläinen, H. Tuomisto, and T.G.Theofanous
IVO Report LO1-GT1-64
March 1994
1994g  “Ignition of Aluminum Droplets Behind Shock Waves in Water,”
T.G. Theofanous, X. Chen, P. Di Piazza, M. Epstein and H.K. Fauske
Physics of Fluids,
6, 3513-3515
1994h “Critical Heat Flux Through Curved, Downward Facing, Thick Walls”
T.G. Theofanous, S. Syri, T. Salmassi, O. Kymäläinen and H. Tuomisto
Nuclear Engineering and Design
151, 247-258
1994i “Recent Progress in the Understanding of Steam Explosions”
D.F. Fletcher and T.G. Theofanous
J. Loss Prevention Process Industries
7, 457-462
1995a “The Study of Steam Explosions in Nuclear Systems”
T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
155, 1-26
1995b “Premixing-Related Behavior of Steam Explosions”
S. Angelini, W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
155, 115-157
1995c “The Prediction of 2D Thermal Detonations and Resulting Damage Potential”
W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
155, 289-309
1995d “The Probability of Alpha-Mode Containment Failure Updated”
T.G. Theofanous and W.W. Yuen
Nuclear Engineering and Design
155, 459-473
1995e “ESPROSE.m:  A Computer Code for Addressing the Escalation/Propagation of Steam Explosions”
W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
US Department of Energy Report
1995f “PM-ALPHA:  A Computer Code for Addressing the Premixing of Steam Explosions”
W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
US Department of Energy Report
1996a “Momentum Transfer in the Mixing of Particle Clouds Plunging Into Water”
S. Angelini and T.G. Theofanous
Chem. Eng. Communications
Vols. 141-142, 461-477
1996b “The Prediction of Direct Containment Heating”
H. Yan and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
164, 95-116
1996c “The Probability of Containment Failure by Direct Containment Heating in Zion”
M.M. Pilch, H. Yan and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and  Design
164,  1-36
1996d “On the Proper Formulation of Safety Goals and Assessment of Safety Margins for Rare and High-Consequence Hazards”
T.G. Theofanous
Reliability Eng. & Systems Safety
54, 243-257
1996e “The Probability of In-Vessel Coolability and Retention of a Core Melt in the AP600”
T.G. Theofanous, S. Additon, C. Liu, O. Kymäläinen, S. Angelini, and T. Salmassi
US Department of Energy Report
DOE/ID-10460 Vols. I & II,
1997a “In-Vessel Coolability and Retention of a Core Melt”
T.G. Theofanous, C. Liu, S. Additon, S. Angelini, O. Kymäläinen and T. Salmassi
Nuclear Engineering and Design
169, 1-48
1997b “The First Results from the ACOPO Experiment”
T.G. Theofanous, M. Maguire, S. Angelini and T. Salmassi
Nuclear Engineering and Design
169, 49-57
1997c “The Coolability Limits of a Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head,”
T.G. Theofanous and S. Syri
Nuclear Engineering and Design
169, 59-76
1997d “In-vessel Retention of Corium at the Loviisa Plant”
O. Kymäläinen,  H. Tuomisto and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
169, 109-130
1997e “The Mixing of Particle Clouds Plunging Into Water”
S. Angelini, T.G. Theofanous and W.W. Yuen
Nuclear Engineering and Design
177, 285-301
1997f “On the Constitutive Description of the Microinteractions Concept in Steam Explosions”
X. Chen, W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
177, 303-319
1997g “Loviisa 1&2—Hydrogen Management Strategy for the Loviisa NPP”
P. Lundström, H. Tuomisto and T.G. Theofanous
IVO Report L01-GT1-78
March 1997
1998a “Application of the Risk Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology (ROAAM) to Severe Accident Management in the AP600 Advanced Light Water Reactor”
J.H. Scobel, T.G. Theofanous and S.W. Sorrell
Reliability Eng. & Systems Safety
62, 51-58
1998b “Lower Head Integrity Under In-Vessel Steam Explosion Loads”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen, S.Angelini, J.J. Sienicki, K. Freeman, X. Chen and T. Salmassi
US Department of Energy Report
1998c “An Integrated Structure and Scaling Methodology for Severe Accident Technical Issue Resolution:  Development of Methodology”
T.G. Theofanous (co-author) 13-member working Group
Nuclear Engineering and Design
186, 1-21
1998d “Quantitative Radiography for Transient Multi-dimensional, Multiphase Flows”
T.G. Theofanous, S. Angelini, X. Chen, R. Luo
Nuclear Engineering and Design
184, 163-181
1998e “Application of the Risk Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology (ROAAM) to Severe Accident Management in the AP600 Advanced Light Water Reactor”
J.H. Scobel, T.G. Theofanous and S.W. Sorrell
Reliability Eng. & Systems Safety
62, 51-58
1998f “Propagation of Steam Explosions: ESPROSE.m Verification Studies”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen,
S. Angelini, J.J. Sienicki, K. Freeman, X. Chen, T. Salmassi
US Department of Energy Report
1998g “Premixing of Steam Explosions:  PM-ALPHA Verification Studies”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen and S. Angelini
US Department of Energy Report
1999a “Experimental Simulation of Microinteractions in Large Scale Explosions”
X. Chen, R. Luo, W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
189, 163-178
1999b “On the Regimes of Premixing”
S. Angelini, T.G. Theofanous and W.W. Yuen
Nuclear Engineering and Design
189, 139-161
1999c “Lower Head Integrity Under Steam Explosion Loads”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen, S. Angelini, J.J. Sienicki, K. Freeman, X. Chen and T. Salmassi
Nuclear Engineering and Design
189, 7-57
1999d “The Verification Basis of the PM-ALPHA Code”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen and S. Angelini
Nuclear Engineering and Design
189, 59-102
1999e “The Verification Basis of the ESPROSE.m Code”
T.G. Theofanous, W.W. Yuen, K. Freeman and X. Chen
Nuclear Engineering and Design
189, 103-138
1999f “On the Existence of Multiphase Thermal Detonations”
W.W. Yuen and T.G. Theofanous
Int. JL Multiphase Flow
25, 1505-1519
2000a “Natural Convection for In-Vessel Retention at Prototypic Rayleigh Numbers”
T.G. Theofanous and S. Angelini
Nuclear Engineering and Design
200, 1-9
2000b “The Mechanism and prediction of Critical Heat Flux in Inverted Geometries”
S. Angelini, J.P. Tu,  Yu. A. Buyevich and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
200, 83-94
2000c “On the Mechanism of Aluminum Ignition in Steam Explosions”
M. Epstein,  H.K. Fauske  and T.G. Theofanous
Nuclear Engineering and Design
201, 71-82
2002a “The Boiling Crisis Phenomenon.  Part I:  Nucleation and Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer”
T.G. Theofanous, J.P. Tu, A.T. Dinh and T.N. Dinh
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
26, 775-792
2002b “The Boiling Crisis Phenomenon.  Part II:  Dryout Dynamics and Burnout”
T.G. Theofanous, J.P. Tu, A.T. Dinh and T.N. Dinh
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
26, 793-810
2003a  “The Lattice Boltzmann Equation Method:  Theoretical Interpretation, Numerics and Implications”
R.B. Nourgaliev, T.G. Theofanous, T.N. Dinh and D. Joseph
Int’l J. Multiphase Flow
29 (1) 117-169
2003b “Risk Assessment and Management”
T.G. Theofanous
Ch. 19 in Vol. 1 of Handbook “Comprehensive Structural Integrity”,
Eds. I. Milne, R.O. Ritchie, B. Karihaloo, Elsevier
2003c “On the Prediction of Flow Patterns as a Principal Scientific Issues in Multifluid Flow”
T.G. Theofanous and T.N. Dinh
Multiphase Science and Technology
5(1-4), pp.57-76, (2003).
2003d “On the Multiscale Treatment of Multifluid Flow”
T.N. Dinh, R.R. Nourgaliev and T.G. Theofanous
Multiphase Science and Technology
5(1-4), pp.275-288
2003e “Nucleation Phenomena in Boiling”
T.N. Dinh and T.G. Theofanous
Multiphase Science and Technology
5(1-4), pp.349-363
2003f “A Computational Platform for Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer”
T.G. Theofanous
Multiphase Science and Technology
5(1-4), pp.177-180
2004  “Transmission Pipelines and Land Use: a Risk Informed Approach”
National Academy Press
2005 “Risk and Decisions, About the Disposition of Transuranic and High Level Radioactive Wastes”
National Academy Press
2006 “High heat flux boiling and burnout as a microphysical phenomena: Mounting evidences and opportunities”
T.G. Theofanous and T-N Dihn
Multiphase Science and Technology
18, No 3, pp.251-276
2008 “Integration of multiphase science and Technology with risk management  in nuclear power reactors: Application of the Risk-Oriented Accident Analysis Methodology to the Economic, Simplified Boiling Water Reactor Design”
Theo G. Theofanous and Truc-Nam Dinh
Multiphase Science and Technology
20, No 2, pp. 81-211
2009a “Mesoscopic dynamics of polymer chains in high strain rate extensional flows”
D. Kivotides, V.V. Mitkin, T.G. Theofanous,
Jl. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.
161, pp 69-86
2009b “An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art on Explosive Dissemination of Chemical Agents with Perspectives for Future Work”
R. Babarsky and T. G. Theofanous
US Army Report  WF-67774


2009c “Entangled chain dynamics of polymer knots in extensional flow”
D. Kivotides, S. Louise Wilkin and Theo G. Theofanous
Physical Review
E80, pp 041808-1 to -16
2010a “Stochastic entangled chain dynamics of dense polymer solutions”
D. Kivotides, S. L. Wilkin and T. G. Theofanous
Jl. Chemical Physics
133, 144903  2010
2010b “Stretching of polymer chains by fluctuating flow fields”
D. Kivotides, S. L. Wilkin and T. G. Theofanous
Physics Letters A
375 (2010) 48–52
2011a  “Nuclear Reactor Melt Arrest and Coolability Device”
T. G. Theofanous, T. N. Dinh, and R Wachowiak
European Patent Office
PATENT No: 10187579.7-2208
Date 01-07-2011
2011b “The inertial regime of drop impact on an anisotropic porous substrate”
H Ding, TG Theofanous
Jl Fluid Mech.
2012 “Superfast, nonlinear diffusion: Capillary transport in particulate porous media”
AV Lukyanov, MM Sushchikh, MJ Baines, and TG Theofanous
Physical Review Letters
109, 214501 (2012)